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Welcome to Hoverparks Inc.

Hoverpark is bringing the world’s most spectacular theme park to Tampa! Explore the mysterious world of Dr. Wren’s MEEAD Center for Scientific Exploration. Hoverpark’s floating island paradise is filled with thrill rides and attractions. Dr. Vonderheist’s airships are poised along the edge, a roller coaster that appears to drop over 2500 ft. to the surf below. The Lazy River offers glass bottom views of the Gulf and there’s a 4D theatre which propels you through the universe.
The Hoverpark is fully interactive with lots of ways to play, including scavenger hunts, 3D puzzles and the most experienced parkers can play the elusive game master himself. How many toggles can you earn? 

Dr. Wren's Incredible Hoverpark of Wonder.
Dr. Wren’s Incredible Hoverpark of Wonder.

Live the Wonder this Spring in Tampa!

Early concept sketch of original HoverPark found in Dr. Frederick Vonderheist’s notebook.

Look up Tampa, Hoverpark is on its way. We will be docking in Tampa again this spring and we are just ecstatic to meet all the new explorers. Come join us for the new Wrenaissance  – a world of unforgettable rides and games celebrating science, art, and nature.

Togglers will be amazed at the new array of puzzles – we have gadgets galore and new gizmos to explore. Remember, its your park, you create the experience of a lifetime. Live the Wonder.

In honor of our return to the skies of Tampa, we are featuring one of Dr. Vonderheist’s early sketches found in a notebook he was working in shortly before his disappearance.